Material Exploration and Transformation Design
co-creative action
In the project Stärke:re:form, citizens of the region around Loitz, a small town in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, work together with external actors to jointly develop concepts for regenerative and cycle-oriented futures for the region and to initiate structural change. The project team of the block.bastler aims at a resource-saving use of the regional beech stocks and uses the residual materials of the company PagHolz from Loitz in a new way: log cabins from residual wood - built by the citizens of the region
Co-create to merge everyone‘s future visions and to make them feasible.
vision and concept:
The Canoe and River Landscape Peenetal locates various resting places along the Peene River for water sports enthusiasts and tourists.
The desire of the community leaders to further stimulate gentle tourism and to set recognizable characteristics in the region led us to the concept of having wooden log cabins as landmarks in MV produced by the citizens themselves.

innovation week:
Within one week different teams worked on new visions for the region of Loitz. Our team, a group of four (Nora Hoffmann, Lukas Unterholzner, Christoph Wentland and me) took on the mission to build a 1:1 prototype to become familiar with the tasks and materials.
We brainstormed, experimented, laughed a lot, and we built within three days a log cabin.

The materials:
The core timber of the beech trunks, which remains over when producing veneer boards was previously burned and used as process heat in the company. Following the principle of cascade usage, we wanted to preserve the wood preferably in its original, intact form to maintain its properties and qualities of a stable timber. The roof was built from discarded seat shells.

principles: upcycling and cascade usage
Log cabins made of scrap wood - built by the citizens of the region. The stimulating project is characterized by its identificative value for the inhabitants of the region while promoting regional tourism. The reactivation of the community ideas like the approach of Subbotnik, as a joint realization of visions, strengthens the regional network and promotes the cohesion of the inhabitants. For this purpose, we developed construction plans of the huts which then can then be implemented and distributed by interested communities and actors in the region of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.